According to rumors, the Prince of Wales’ mistress was recently spotted wearing the same hat as his wife, and in which she was seen before. This caused a heated discussion on the Internet among social media users, who called the incident “disturbing.” The drama of the situation is compounded by the fact that Lady Rose Hanbury’s son was seen at the same event where his mother was wearing a Kate Middleton hat.
The British royal news reported that yesterday the ceremony of dedication to the Knights of the Order of the British Empire took place, and on the guest list was a woman who has recently found herself in the center of scandalous attention. Lady Rose Hanbury, Prince William’s alleged mistress, attended the event.
Her husband, David Cholmondeley, 7th Marquess of Cholmondeley, joined Rose at the ceremony. However, the audience was particularly interested not in who she came with, but what she was wearing.
Especially for this event, Rose decorated a light pink and green Lorinda skirt by Emilia Wickstead, which is currently on sale online for $873.14 (£690), and complemented it with a black top, jacket and black heels. The item of clothing that caught the public’s attention was Rose’s hat with a black brim.