Queen Camilla was spotted “hanging out” with Lady Rose Hanbury, the alleged mistress of her eldest stepson Prince William, during a badminton competition. The photos of these two caused a violent reaction from social media users who questioned the motives of the ladies’ behavior. All this is happening against the background of the fact that the Prince and Princess of Wales are going through difficult times.
This year’s badminton horse riding competition has made history; there were several intriguing moments at the event. During the ceremony, Queen Camilla was seen on friendly terms with Lady Rose Hanbury, the rumored mistress of the Prince of Wales.
Rose Hanbury, the Marchioness of Cholmondeley, attends the final day of the Badminton Horse Trials alongside Queen Camilla and the Tindalls https://t.co/QwUo6OiNXd pic.twitter.com/FWTwpoC7Ll
— Daily Mail US (@DailyMail) May 12, 2024
Photos posted online show the queen in a blue flowing dress talking to Rose, who is wearing a blue blazer. British entrepreneur Charlotte Tilbury, who showed off a floral print dress, also joined their conversation.
Social media users couldn’t believe their eyes when they saw the photos and took to online platforms to express their opinions. While some wondered why the Queen and Rose were spending some time together, others felt that their meeting was unpleasant, given all the turmoil the British royal family found themselves in, especially with regard to Kate Middleton.