Dog Barks at Coffin during Funeral, Suspicious Son Opens It and Finds It Empty

Ryan grew suspicious when his dog, Bella, raced into the church and started barking at his father’s coffin. When he opened the casket, he found it empty, confirming something was very wrong.

Earlier, Ryan had arrived at the church for his father Arnold’s funeral, feeling unprepared to say goodbye. As the service ended, Bella, still outside, suddenly barked and ran toward the casket. Her behavior prompted Ryan to investigate. Despite the shocked murmurs from the mourners, he demanded the casket be opened, revealing that his father’s body was missing.

The chaos that followed led his mother to faint, and Ryan quickly rushed her to the hospital. Afterward, Ryan called the police, but their investigation didn’t yield any immediate answers. The funeral director insisted that Arnold’s body had been delivered to the funeral home, but Ryan was unsatisfied. When Detective Bradshaw asked if Arnold had been involved in anything unusual, Ryan recalled how he’d left his father’s business to start his own dog training center, but nothing seemed out of place. Still, Ryan wasn’t ready to let it go.

Determined to uncover the truth, Ryan visited the morgue, where he learned that the coroner had recently resigned, leaving a gap in the investigation. After bribing a nurse, Ryan snuck into the coroner’s office, only to discover that his father’s file had mysteriously disappeared. With no leads, he received a call from his father’s lawyer, Mr. Stevens, who revealed that Ryan was now the CEO of Arnold’s company. There, he learned about mounting debt and an affair Arnold was allegedly having with his secretary, Miss Pearson.

Suspicious, Ryan decided to follow Miss Pearson, eventually discovering Arnold’s life insurance policy in her home, which named her as the sole beneficiary. Ryan handed this evidence to Detective Bradshaw, who revealed that Miss Pearson was attempting to flee the country. Despite their best efforts, she evaded capture at the airport, leaving Ryan back at square one.

Certain his father was still alive, Ryan pursued a new lead involving a rare figurine collection Arnold had been interested in. He found out that Arnold had never obtained the third figurine in the set, which now seemed like an important clue. Ryan tracked down the collector who owned the piece and bought it at an exorbitant price, hoping it would draw Arnold out of hiding.

At an auction where the figurine was being sold, Ryan finally heard his father’s voice as Arnold placed the winning bid. Arnold, disguised and trying to leave, was arrested by Detective Bradshaw. Confronted by his son, Arnold confessed to faking his own death to start a new life with Miss Pearson. His elaborate plan had involved bribing the coroner, setting up a fake funeral, and cashing in on his life insurance policy.

In the end, Ryan expressed his disappointment, telling Arnold that his selfish actions had led to his downfall. While Arnold was taken away, Ryan felt a bittersweet sense of closure, knowing that justice would soon catch up with Miss Pearson as well.

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