Can you solve this “Write the name of the 4th son” in less than 50 seconds?
Get ready for a mind-bending challenge!
Can you solve this tricky riddle?
Engage your critical thinking skills and test your wits with the following riddle:
Someone’s mom has 4 sons North, West & South. What is the name of the fourth son.
Write the name of the 4th son in the comments section below.
This Riddle got viral over the internet multiple times over the past few months.
Remember that this is a tricky riddle, not a usual riddle so you should think about it thoroughly before you decide the answer.
Now, Whether you can solve it or not, you can scroll down to check out the right answer:
It is clearly mentioned that “What is the name of the fourth son”. Note it’s a statement with a period(.) and not with a question mark(?).
Most of the people has given the answer as “East” or “Someone”.
Let your friends give this a try!