Man Installed Hidden Cameras in His Bedroom after Noticing It Was Messy When He Got Home




I live in an apartment with my roommate, Alex. We are both attending college part-time and get along well with one another. I also work night shift three days a week. But when I’d come home from work, I’d notice my room was messed up, so I ordered a camera.

While at work, the camera app notified me of motion in the room. I turned the camera on and got mortified. My roommate Alex was rummaging through my drawers. He seemed frantic, shuffling through my belongings like he was looking for something specific.

Heart pounding, I watched in disbelief as he moved to my closet, digging through my clothes and even going through my laundry basket. This was more than just someone being curious or nosy. He looked desperate.

I didn’t know what to do. Confronting him immediately wasn’t an option since I was still at work, and I couldn’t leave early. I decided to wait until my shift was over, using the time to process what I had seen and plan my next steps.

When I got home, I found Alex in the living room, casually watching TV as if nothing had happened. The sight of him sitting there so nonchalantly made my blood boil. I took a deep breath, trying to stay calm.

“Hey, Alex,” I started, trying to keep my voice steady. “Can we talk for a minute?”

“Sure, what’s up?” he replied, not taking his eyes off the screen.

“I’ve been noticing that my room is often messed up when I come home from work,” I said, watching his reaction closely. “So, I installed a camera.”

His face paled, and he finally looked at me, eyes wide with panic. “A camera?”

“Yeah, and it notified me of motion tonight while I was at work,” I continued. “I saw you going through my stuff. Care to explain?”

Alex’s mouth opened and closed a few times before he finally spoke. “I…I can explain,” he stammered. “It’s not what you think.”

“Then what is it?” I demanded, crossing my arms.

He took a deep breath, his hands shaking slightly. “I’ve been looking for something important. Something I lost.”

“What did you lose?” I asked, skepticism clear in my voice.

“My dad’s watch,” he admitted, looking down at his hands. “It’s a family heirloom, and it’s really important to me. I thought I might have dropped it somewhere in your room by mistake.”

“Why didn’t you just ask me?” I asked, anger mixing with a hint of sympathy. “We could have looked for it together.”

“I was embarrassed,” he confessed. “I didn’t want you to think I was careless with something so valuable. I know it was wrong to go through your stuff without asking, but I was desperate.”

I sighed, feeling some of my anger dissipate. “Look, Alex, I understand that the watch is important to you, but you violated my privacy. Thatโ€™s not okay.”

“I know,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper. “I’m really sorry. I promise it won’t happen again.”

“Let’s find the watch together,” I suggested. “And if we can’t find it here, we’ll figure out the next steps. But you have to promise me you’ll be honest and respectful from now on.”

He nodded fervently. “I promise. Thank you for understanding.”

We spent the next few hours tearing apart both of our rooms, but the watch was nowhere to be found. Despite the invasion of privacy, I felt a bit of relief knowing there was no malicious intent behind Alex’s actions.

The incident brought us closer, oddly enough. Alex made a genuine effort to regain my trust, and over time, he did. We established clearer boundaries and communication, ensuring something like this would never happen again.

Months later, we found the watch tucked behind the couch cushions in the living room. Alex was overjoyed, and we celebrated the find together, laughing at the absurdity of the situation.

In the end, the experience taught us both valuable lessons about trust, honesty, and the importance of respecting each other’s space. It wasn’t the most conventional way to strengthen a friendship, but it worked for us.


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